CUPE is the union for hospital workers:
CUPE is leading campaigns for higher wages, job security, and real solutions to the staffing crisis to guarantee timely, high-quality publicly funded and publicly delivered healthcare in Ontario hospitals.

CUPE hospital workers have negotiated:

  • Wage increases of 14.25% for the period 2021-24 (4.75% in 2021, 3.5% in 2022, 3% in each of 2023 and 2024).
  • Increases of $1-$1.87/hour for evening/night and weekend premiums, significantly improved benefits, among many other gains.
  • Negotiated 8.25% wage increases for 2021 and 2022, along with increases of $1-$1.50/hour for evening/night and weekend premiums, improved benefits, among many other gains.
  • The best job security protections of any healthcare union in Ontario
  • Clear and transparent seniority-based posting and hiring processes that prevent management favouritism and discrimination
  • A bargaining council – the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions – to fight for better contracts and better conditions for all workers and students in Ontario hospitals

CUPE is Canada’s largest union with 740,000 members.We are also Canada’s largest health care union with over 80,000 members in Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care facilities, home care and emergency services. At CUPE, the members are in charge, electing your own leaders and setting priorities for negotiations. Members decide priorities – and are supported by legal, research, organizing, and communications resources. And if you have to fight, you’ll have all CUPE members standing with you and can access the incredible resources of the union.

Case Study: when part-time clerical workers at Toronto Western Hospital organized with CUPE they negotiated a first contract that included everything in the other CUPE contracts at TWH, including wage increases, seniority rights, protection from layoffs, and other improvements.